Something that we have not kept up over here at Upstream Reviews was the policy of informing you of based books on sale.
Today, we have the entire Saint Tommy, NYPD series on sale for $0.99 per novel.
What’s the premise?
Well, Blaine Lee Pardoe called it “Harry Dresden meets the Exorcist,” so I’ll take that review and run with it.
And if you like trailers, there’s an ad for the Saint Tommy, NYPD series. It’s not much, but I like it.
And yikes do I hate that author photo…
Moving on.
But yeah, Detective Thomas Nolan gets put the ringer a lot.
Seriously, this guy finds out he has gifts from God, and then the Army of darkness comes down on him. So he gets into some trouble…
Fighting possessed serial killers (review here)
A Death Cult (review)
A demonic bounty (review)
Jihadi X-Men (review)
A sex cult led by a succubus… because why not?
A Lovecraftian Bond Villain.
A bishop of Hell...
A supernatural terrorist compound.
Hollywood… which as we know, is fairly demonic…
If you buy any or all of them, we hope you enjoy.