The Based Summer Book Sale is on!
Wise of Heart author Hans Schantz is back-- and he's bought friends
Tired of flaccid fiction? Looking to inject your summer reading pile with some seriously superviersive titles? Hans Schantz, certified mad lad and probable mad scientist Hans Schantz, author of the needlessly controversial illustrated novel The Wise of Heart, has organized his biggest offering of titles to date. New authors and creators will be offering books, comics and graphic novels for free or .99 between midday today and June 27. Check out the Aetherczar’s website for a fully updated list of offerings on the event’s page on his website.
What about returning titles and publishers? Not to worry, event mainstays like Arkhaven and Terror House Press are coming along for the ride again, in addition to many authors who have previously contributed. A sizeable number of offerings listed have been reviewed here at Upstream, so be sure to search any titles you’re interested in on our archive page to get more details!
Even if you’re just looking to grab a few free titles, as a reader, you’ve got a chance to help boost an author that’s fighting against the tide of mainstream swill. Have fun, enjoy some new stories, but please, please, please remember to leave ratings and reviews—they add up and yours could be the one that pushes someone’s book over the threshold in the algorithm. So go forth, and READ BASED!