This may be your best work ever (albeit a bit long) Highly recommended. BZ

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Thank you very much!

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One of the weirder things about modern culture is that as soon as something becomes "popular"; i.e., commoners enjoy it, the elite can't back away fast enough.

When ordinary, normal people like something, an elite can't like it because then they are no longer separate and rarified and above ordinariness.

And, I guess, as long as our elite media-generators have buckets of money to protect themselves from failures, they won't need to change.

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Jan 22, 2024
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Yep! Look at Perry Rhodan and Ace. Back in the late '70s (?) the publisher at Ace decided he didn't want Perry Rhodan books in his line, EVEN THOUGH THEY MADE MONEY! They didn't suit his "views".

How stupid and elitist is that?

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The thing to remember here is that the majority of the people "on the left" see themselves as "noble revolutionaries" against everything. It doesn't matter whether they're fighting reality or things that work, they're just "agin' them...", the eternal Alonso Quijano (you might know that character better under his *nom de guerre*, Don Quixote de la Mancha...) tilting against the windmills of the world.

As such, they have limited to no real ability to self-observe or understand their own essential imbecility and ignorance. They live inside their own heads, projecting their views outwards towards the cave walls. You don't need to provide a shadow-play to make them believe; they provide their own. Which is why I think that the sad fact is that most of them are quite mad, in a clinical yet entirely untreatable sense. Even if you could get them into some sort of therapy, they'd be like the Black Knight in *Monty Python and the Holy Grail", demanding you to come back and fight like a man after having lopped off every one of their intellectual limbs.

Sometimes, good art comes out of the madness place that all of us have a piece of; other times, it's just sheer dysfunction emanating from the hidden wellspring. In most leftwards-leaning people, it is the dysfunction that's paramount; even with obvious and clearly proven fact, they will continue to deny, deny, deny until they either wind up bankrupt or locked up in prison.

All of this transgender BS is a clue; the sad reality is, the majority of the afflicted are just nuts. The true incidence of "natural" deviant sexual behavior is around 3% of the population. That's survivable, for a nation and a species; it gets up to what it is today, with 15% of the kids saying they're "gender dysphoric", and we have a major problem, demographically speaking. Remains to be seen how that works out, but I expect a massive backlash against all this about the time that most of these now-mutilated kids hit their late twenties, and realize what was done to them in the name of ideology.

It'll be the flip side of all the violence they're inculcating those same kids with, against the "normies". The rage will turn around, and hard: Wait until a lot of these young women realize they'll never have kids, never form families, because some activist hit they while they were vulnerable. The zeitgeist of all this will be much different, in a few generations.

Not to mention, wait until the actual impact of the dropping demographic rates start to show up. South Korea, at .78 for a fertility rate? When the impact of that hits, ain't none of this LGBTWTFBBQ stuff going to be at all socially acceptable... It'll be "Do your social duty, bear children... Or, else..."

Which ain't nobody looking forward and considering. It's all Malthusian BS, all the way down. I expect that there will be some pretty draconian birth policies in place before I die, with them only getting worse because the idiots in charge don't actually know what is causing the fertility rate drop, nor do they understand how to fix it; they only know one thing, and that thing being *control*; never mind that the choice to have and raise kids is beyond control of anyone besides the parents, and if the parents don't want to raise kids because of a bunch of external factors? Without fixing those, you're not going to get them to raise kids willingly.

Wouldn't surprise me to see the impact of all this within my lifetime. It'll certainly hit in Japan and Korea before then...

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