1. Shortly after Penguicon 2023, Patrick S. Tomlinson falsely claimed that there had been a bomb hoax, and that the entire event was evacuated, bomb sniffing dogs, the whole works.
2. Mr. Tomlinson deleted his tweet very shortly after making it, likely realizing how easy it would be for anyone to investigate this claim and realize that he was totally lying. Unfortunately for him, someone caught his tweet before he was able to delete it, and in typical Tomlinson fashion, he stood behind his claim.
3. Convention and hotel staff, along with police were contacted, and confirmed that no such bomb threat had taken place. Patrick was once again lying for victim clout.
4. Mr. Tomlinson was subsequently uninvited from Penguicon 2024 for this and other incidents, including his misogynistic attacks against publisher Leslie Varney whom he stalks on Twitter every single day despite having her blocked, for the crime of "Not believing 100% of Patrick S. Tomlinson's claims"
5. Penguicon staff issue an apology to Mr. Tomlinson because he has the correct politics
P.S. Mr. Tomlinson has had my full dox for several years. He has been telling me since 2019 that I am facing imminent prison. I live abroad and he told my wife if I ever visit the US, I will be immediately arrested. I spent last Christmas and New Years in the US and underwent a thorough background check for a new job. All came back clean. I called the MPD and spoke with a detective late last year. There are no pending criminal charges against anybody, and Mr. Tomlinson is a well known liar and buffoon. Dig a little bit deeper and you will find many of the crimes he alleges were perpetrated by himself against himself hoping he could frame one of us. He is a genuine scumbag with many scumbag friends.
You are a clinically obsessed cyber article writer. The FBI is aware of you. Patti Labelle's concert swatting was meant for me. I am a trained knife fighter with multiple certifications from Milwaukee Knife Fighting Academy.
Watching Patrick repeatedly threaten Leslie Varney on X has been disgusting. Patrick comes off like someone who dearly wants to be able to punish (or at minimum intimidate) others. It’s gross. How his enablers give him a pass on this and endless other follies I can’t imagine.
He also bullied an author named Lori Janeski. He claimed her novel’s cover art was identical to that of another book, essentially accusing her and her publisher of plagiarism.
The penguicon statement was too vague to be in reference to Patrick. Didn't know about Brian Gilgore. He is a new pat victim I was unaware of. The type of people this convention attract can be anyone claiming they feel unsafe for being misgendered or there being too many skinny cis white men in attendance. I love seeing these morons eat each other up.
In a nutshell:
1. Shortly after Penguicon 2023, Patrick S. Tomlinson falsely claimed that there had been a bomb hoax, and that the entire event was evacuated, bomb sniffing dogs, the whole works.
2. Mr. Tomlinson deleted his tweet very shortly after making it, likely realizing how easy it would be for anyone to investigate this claim and realize that he was totally lying. Unfortunately for him, someone caught his tweet before he was able to delete it, and in typical Tomlinson fashion, he stood behind his claim.
3. Convention and hotel staff, along with police were contacted, and confirmed that no such bomb threat had taken place. Patrick was once again lying for victim clout.
4. Mr. Tomlinson was subsequently uninvited from Penguicon 2024 for this and other incidents, including his misogynistic attacks against publisher Leslie Varney whom he stalks on Twitter every single day despite having her blocked, for the crime of "Not believing 100% of Patrick S. Tomlinson's claims"
5. Penguicon staff issue an apology to Mr. Tomlinson because he has the correct politics
P.S. Mr. Tomlinson has had my full dox for several years. He has been telling me since 2019 that I am facing imminent prison. I live abroad and he told my wife if I ever visit the US, I will be immediately arrested. I spent last Christmas and New Years in the US and underwent a thorough background check for a new job. All came back clean. I called the MPD and spoke with a detective late last year. There are no pending criminal charges against anybody, and Mr. Tomlinson is a well known liar and buffoon. Dig a little bit deeper and you will find many of the crimes he alleges were perpetrated by himself against himself hoping he could frame one of us. He is a genuine scumbag with many scumbag friends.
The legend graces our presence! Thank you!
I knew Pat was unwell upstairs but I wasn't aware of all this. Wow.
It's stuff like this that makes me glad I walked away from SF fandom.
Damn- so much politics in these events! But then again, they've been that way mostly since they started in the 1930s...
Ever since the first WorldCon with Wolheim v. Maskowitz!
Yeah. The old guys held grudges with each other you wouldn't believe.
You are a clinically obsessed cyber article writer. The FBI is aware of you. Patti Labelle's concert swatting was meant for me. I am a trained knife fighter with multiple certifications from Milwaukee Knife Fighting Academy.
Watching Patrick repeatedly threaten Leslie Varney on X has been disgusting. Patrick comes off like someone who dearly wants to be able to punish (or at minimum intimidate) others. It’s gross. How his enablers give him a pass on this and endless other follies I can’t imagine.
He also bullied an author named Lori Janeski. He claimed her novel’s cover art was identical to that of another book, essentially accusing her and her publisher of plagiarism.
I've been following Patrick for a while. Anytime someone says "don't respond to trolls" his face and story should be posted as a cautionary tale.
He's fat.
The penguicon statement was too vague to be in reference to Patrick. Didn't know about Brian Gilgore. He is a new pat victim I was unaware of. The type of people this convention attract can be anyone claiming they feel unsafe for being misgendered or there being too many skinny cis white men in attendance. I love seeing these morons eat each other up.
This is why your life is just beginning, friend
Imagining a Bizarro World version of Pat now, thanks!
Enjoy stalker, prison.
This is why your life is already over, stalker. Enjoy prison.
I believe i read somewhere that this Patrick individual was abusive to his ex-wife. I think he was arrested for threatening her.
Enjoy prison, Michael.
If Paul is out in general population with me, I surely will, Dan.
Also I have a very dirty diaper tee hee
And this sort of stuff is why we've gotten very careful about what cons we attend and which invites to accept.
ThaT did noT occur, stalker child. Now wait for the knock. Quietly is the key.
Oh, you see, the problem there is sweetie, we already figured that out. I like rape.