Meh. Time travel. So unlikely that it's impossible to suspend disbelief and enjoy the story. But thanks for the review. Great as always.

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Well...technically we're all travelling through time, continuously; it's the back and forth that's the issue. But then...FTL is credible because...??? And dragons because? And magic because?

No matter. De gustibus non disputandum. If you can't, then you can't; no blame attaches.

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Time is not a dimension. It is a method for measuring change. We therefore do not travel through it.

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No, time IS a dimension. All things that exist have length, width, and depth, yes? Well, without duration, they don't exist. It is the fourth dimension, duration, which is to say, time, that allows existence.

I was thinking about your earlier comment while driving back from Lowes. I don't know if you're religious and, if so, what flavor. But for Christians, Moslems, and Jews, and likely some of the spin offs, the existence of an all powerful uncreated Creator means that said Creator is also unbounded by time, looking down upon the universe or universes as we would look down upon a two dimensional map.

What that suggests is that time travel is, indeed, possible, provided you can get the Creator to sponsor it. In other words, supplication and prayer would be the method, rather than machinery. I think I'm going to play with that angle if I do a second volume of Dirty Water, as I likely shall.

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Hee! Nice fiction. Believe what you want. You can travel to and from Lowes, but you can't travel back even a second in time.

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Tipler cylinder and some other physics suggests otherwise, within limits.

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Prove it. ;)

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Don't have to. Can't logically prove a negative. YOU have to prove it CAN be done, smart aleck.

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