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YA novels have suffered very badly from the influx of young "starter" writers and older midlist writers who fondly imagine that writing for teens is easier and demands less quality. And that woke can substitute for characterization, or setting, or deft handling of A/B plot structure.

Teen lit was diverse, interesting, and fun to read until the above people (the same ones who colonized gaming) discovered it was the only publishing field still being widely read by adults. Sure it lacked depth, but...

The DIE of publishing and editing, using blacks as human shields, five years after they went all-in resulted in a girl-boss whitewashing of editors. The only group that increased pace the "diversity audit" was lesbians. So quality-control and novice author guidance starts tanking. And that's without the colonization of DIE hire "teen librarians" by studies-grads who get a quick MLS so they can move into not gate-keeping teen lit for virtue or quality. All they can do is social justice, so...

Indy has our backs, though.

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